Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday Evening

Another busy day! Breakfast at 7:30 then on the buses for a driving tour of London until lunch. We saw Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the Thames River, to name a few. Windsor Castle kept us busy until 4:00 p.m. (the Queen was not in), then a very quick supper and back on the "tube" for a walking tour of Jack the Ripper. We got back to our rooms around 10:45 p.m. and bed check has been done. All are accounted for again.
By Tuesday night you should start seeing more photos on the photos page. It's been hectic and extremely busy as you might guess.
Another 7:30 breakfast on Tuesday, then on to more fun.

Photo 1: Jack the Ripper Tour

Photo 3: Tower Bridge

Photo 4: Another trip on the Tube using the Oyster Card.


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the updates. We appreciate seeing the pictures and hearing about the activities. If you see Alex McKee (Teri Ourada's group) tell him his parents have faith that if there is a free or cheap wireless hotspot, he'll find it! :0) Keep up the good work.

Tim and Marti McKee

mommyRN said...

Thank you for these updates. We are all glad you are having a good time.

Tell Abby V. that Bob and Lily (and her mom) miss her!

Stay well.
J Harrah

hollister said...

Thanks for the neat pictures. Stay healthy and lively. Keep gathering good stories for the homefolks.